
The Resolution

Deep down inside I knew this was coming all along.

I am just not a blogger.

A good cook does not necessarily make a good food blogger.

I am a wife, sister, daughter, cook, aunt, artist, gardener, student first. Blogger might not even be in the top one hundred.

When I was little I always wanted to be a writer- but maybe I've grown out of that dream.

To all of you with blogs, I adore you, I read you, keep up the good work.

To Annie-- the personal blog was at full stop a month or so ago. At the risk of sounding rude to all the other young couples without kids out there- generally our blogs are rather boring, and a little too about ME. so that will not be returning anytime soon.

To Juliet- email mer, I am sure she will give you the cafe rio recipes!


Michelle @ Twig said...

Well I was quite enjoying your recipes and mostly your food knowledge and tid bits...but I've been through this a million times as well, calculating the worth of keeping a blog. You never know you just might be back, it's happened to me...obviously!

Keeping Up With the Jones said...

Bummer! I understand though. But you have to at least send out periodic emails about what you and John are doing--otherwise I'll get all my news about you through Grandma Milne and that is sometimes lost in translation :)