I know I was asked to make soup for the bread bowls, but I almost got roasted alive in my house yesterday just making the bread. Something to do with near a hundred degree temperatures outside. So soup was out of the question. But after lots of thinking and talking the "why not put anything in a bread bowl" question came up. And really, why not?
(taken from a recipe in the bread bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum, one of my fav authors who has a blog!)
Dough Starter
1 c flour
1/4 c wheat flour
3/8 t instant yeast
1 1/4 t honey
1 1/3 water
Flour Mixture
1 3/4 c flour
1/2 t yeast
1 1/2 t salt
1. Mix starter mixture with a whisk until incorporated in a large bowl (the kitchen aid bowl is a good option).
2. Mix flour and yeast from flour mixture and pour over top of the starter.
3. Cover bowl and let rise for 1-4 hours, however long you have, the longer the better.
4. Add salt, put bowl on kitchen-aid and using the dough hook mix on low until incorporated, then mix on speed 4 for 5 minutes.
5. Put in greased bowl, covered, and let it rise for an hour, until doubled.
6. Shape dough into two large rolls and place on cornmeal covered baking sheet.
7. Cover and let rise for another hour.
8. Bake at 475 degrees for 10 minutes then reduce to 425 for another 10 minutes, a thermometer inside should reach 200 degrees.
9. Let cool.
While baking the bread I put a beet in foil and a couple cloves of garlic in foil into the oven. Let cook for 30 minutes then take out garlic. Turn off oven and let beet stay in oven to finish cooking.
Once cooled chop up beet into a large dice, and add diced cucumber and tomato.
To make dressing mix 3 T red wine vinegar, 1 t salt, 1 t pepper, and 1 t sugar.
Add plenty of grated pecorino romano and spoon into bread bowls. Delicious!
I will definitely be trying the bread bowl recipe...yum!
I made this last night and it was so so so good and I want to make it every day. Well, actually it took a long while with the 'mix this then let it rise. Then do this and let it rise. Then do this and let it rise.' reminded me why I just don't have the patience for baking much. But I do want to eat them every day.
Loved the beet salad too! So can you just come live with us and be our chef? That's a fantasy of mine is to have a fulltime chef, and also a maid.
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