
Inside my Freezer

I love my freezer because not only does it keep food from spoiling but it gives me free time. It gives me more money too.

What I have in my freezer and why:

1. chocolate chips- because we live in AZ and they melt when left out
2. corn and spinach- so I always have vegetables on hand to throw into anything
3. frozen berries (costco sized bag)- cheaper, always in season and helps make any number of desserts in a pinch
4. cookie dough- right now I have extra florentine dough leftover from last time I made them, makes for an easy dessert, and less dessert at one time
5. Brownies, individually wrapped- so that I hopefully eat them more sparingly then if I left them in the pan on the counter
6. bones- pork bones etc., whatever I have from butchering meat(you know like a pork chop that you bought bone on but didn't need the bone) I use pork bones to flavor tomato sauce and chicken bones for chicken stock
7. Tomato sauce and vegetable stock- I make both of these in really large batches and freeze them in small containers so I only make them every month or two. So easy, delicious and unbelievably economical(esp if you buy the #10 cans of tomatoes at costco)
8.Leftover soup ready to reheat at any time
9. tamales and ravioli when I am lucky, those usually dont last long though, too good to let sit in the freezer
10. blocks of cheddar cheese- i buy the "cheddar loaf" at costco and cut it, saran wrap in and put it in a plastic bag all together to keep out the freeze, so much cheaper!
11. ice cream and a frozen pizza, because I can't always do homemade, there are just those days....

What kind of goodies do you store in your freezer?


merideth said...

loafs of bread... because we go through bread like water.
cheese loaves... NO because we also buy the big one from costco and go through one quickly.
i do.. do the brownie thing. i love them frozen or really cold. so yummy. it's hard to stop at one square.
sometimes cookie dough balls.... i love when i do that.

Jessica Edwards said...

I love your new blog layout and reading it everyday. Definetly inspires me to be more healthy.
We keep frozen hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, potstickers, ice cream, frozen pizza, bread, cheese and butter in our fridge as well as BBQ chicken meals that I make in bulk and freeze....Can you tell I like easy meals? I like the idea of individually freezing the brownies. I too will eat them all if they are out.

Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

Sarah said...

I wish my freezer was stocked full of goodness as yours is. Costco is calling...

What it has: a few healthy choice ice cream bars, dreyers frozen yogurt, some italian hot sausage, and a bag of organic sweet corn and berries.