

Wheat Germ is the smallest part of the wheat kernel and is the reproductive part of the kernal. That is why it is called a germ- short for germination. It has more nutrients/ounce than any other grain or vegetable.

In one cup of wheat germ you can get:

144% of your thiamin
34% of your riboflavin
39% of your niacin
75% of your B6
81 % of your folate
26% of your Pantothenic Acid
61% of your fiber
75% of your maganese
130 % of your selenium
29% of your potassium
40% of your iron and more!

It is very unlikely you would eat a cup of it a day, but definitly makes you think more about incoperating it into your diet.

Some good ways to get it into your diet:

1. some cereals
2. my homemade granola bars
3. whole grain breads

For more information:

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