
I beleive in leftovers

I hear a lot of crap about leftovers.
And I see a lot of people tossing out leftovers.
And I don't think leftovers deserve such a bad rap.

I love leftovers.
Leftovers make making dinner take mere minutes.

Rules for leftovers:
-use within 3 days
-do not use the same way they were used the first time around
-add something fresh to them

Last week, as you know, we had friends staying with us. Friends staying with us means there are lots of odds and ends left in our fridge once they are gone. One of my favorite leftovers? Chili.

Here's what we did:

Toasted some rye bread
Warm up chili and throw on top
Put a big salad on the side

So good, like fancy sloppy joes.
Leftover Veggies:

Do you have a lot of different veggies on the verge of too ripe in your fridge?
Answer- chopped salad.
Mine had: 1 carrot, 2 celery sticks, 1/4 jicama, 1/4 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 bunch of cilantro and a lime.
Chop it all up small so that every bite has everything and mix. Add a little oil, salt and pepper.
If you follow these rules for leftovers, you should feel like you have lots of flavorful ingredients in the fridge instead of seeing them as soggy, rewarmed meals.

Remember- enJOY your food
What are your favorite leftovers?

1 comment:

merideth said...

i love leftover casseroles... i think they are just as good on day 2 and 3.
and what about thanksgiving leftovers... yumm.
and i guess i will add in cake.
leftover cake in the fridge is awesome!