
how does your garden grow?

I have this dream that I will be able to grow all my own produce.
Status report- Not there yet.

Tucson is a hard place to plant. The seasons are very different than anywhere else, and I think we just moved here a little too late for the colder weather crops like radishes. I am proud that these ones grew, but they are the size of small marbles and stopped growing.I've been reading a lot of books for the last month on gardening and I feel like I have a lot of new knowledge and ideas to test out. I told John that by next spring I hope to have complete control over out teeny tiny backyard, so that means I have this summer and fall to test some of my new ideas, learn some things, and hopefully this time next year this place will be great.

We'll see. Everything takes time. And no I have no plans to live off of only the produce of this yard. It is far too small. But someday...

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